8. Arrays
Programming Project 2021/22

8.1. One Dimensional Arrays

What is an array?

Array: an object that stores a collection of values in ordered cells

Each cell:

  • holds a value
  • can be accessed via its index

Cells are

  • indexed from 0
  • incrementally indexed

All cells in an array hold values of the same type, which can be:

  • a primitve type, e.g. int, boolean
  • a reference type, i.e. a class or an interface


Declaring arrays

This is how we declare an array:

// An array of numbers
int[] numbers;

// An array of strings
String[] names;

// An array of people (objects of type Person)
Person[] friends;

Note that the actual arrays are not constructed by these declarations!

Constructing arrays

This is how we construct an array:

// Constructing an array of numbers of size 10
new int[10];

// Constructing an array of strings of size 6
new String[6];

// Constructing an array of people of size 3
new Person[3];

Bear in mind that the number between brackets is the size of the array you are constructing, which is fixed!

Naturally, we can declare and construct an array in one line.

int[] numbers = new int[10];
String[] names = new String[6];
Person[] friends = new Person[6];

Declaring, constructing, and initializing an array

When we know the elements that our array will hold, we can declare, construct, and initialize it in one line.

int[] data = { 23, 38, 14, -3, 0, 14, 9, 103, 0, -56 };
String[] data = { "Joey", "Rachel", "Ross", "Pheobe", "Monica", "Chandler" };

The size of the array will be the number of elements you insert between the curly brackets

Iterating through the elements in an array

How do we iterate over every element of an array with 5 cells?

int[] numbers = { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 };

// using a for-i loop up to 5
for (int index = 0; index<5 ; index++)

// using a for-i loop up to the array's length
for (int index = 0; index < array.length; index++)

// using a reverse for-i loop from the array's length down to zero
for (int index = numbers.length-1; index >= 0; index--)

// using a for-each loop
for (int number : numbers)

If we just want the string representation of an array, we can simply write as follows.

String str = Arrays.toString(numbers);

Exercise 1

Let us build a method that sums all the elements in an array.

import java.util.Arrays;

public class SummingArrays {
  public static int sum(int[] numbers) {
    // FIX ME

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int[] numbers = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
    System.out.println("Summing up " + Arrays.toString(numbers) + " = " + sum(numbers));

    numbers = new int[] {10, 20, 30, 40};
    System.out.println("Summing up " + Arrays.toString(numbers) + " = " + sum(numbers));

    numbers = new int[] {0, -100, 30, 70};
    System.out.println("Summing up " + Arrays.toString(numbers) + " = " + sum(numbers));

You can find the solution to this exercise here.

Exercise 2

As we learned, arrays have a fixed size. In this exercise, we will address that limitation by creating an array that grows dynamically. The only restriction is that we cannot use classes from the collections library (e.g. List, ArrayList, LinkedList).

Start from the skeleton code below:

public class ResizableArray {
  // Adds value to the end of the array
  public void add(int value) {
    // FIX ME  

  // Returns the value at the index
  public int get(int index) {
    // FIX ME

  // Replaces the value at the index
  public void set(int index, int value) {
    // FIX ME

  public String toString() {
    return Arrays.toString(this.internalArray);
public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    ResizableArray a = new ResizableArray();



Hint: We can create as many arrays as needed array(s).

You can find the solution to this exercise here.