1. Introduction
Programming Project 2022/23

1.8. Agreements


We recognize that people learn in different ways, so attendance is not mandatory, but it is strongly recommended.

Remember that you cannot use office hours for the classes you missed!

I have a question!

If you cannot solve a programming problem, what should you do?

  1. Google it!
  2. Check the course material and the recommended books and videos.
  3. Ask your colleagues.
  4. Ask the student tutor.
  5. Ask the lecturers.

Remember that being able to learn and solve problems by yourself is a fundamental skill if you want to work as a developer.

There is always a new library or new programming language!

Communication etiquette

If you want to communicate with the lecturers via email, remember to tell us:

  • Who you are, that is, your name, student id, and the course you are attending.
  • What issue/challenge you are facing.
  • If the issue is code related, the Git repository that contains your code.
  • What you have done to address it so far.
  • What you expect from us.

Here is a GOOD example.

Subject: Issue with Java Collections

Dear Prof. X,

I am Y, a first year BSc student attending the Programming Project course (student ID 123456789).

While doing the home assignment on Java Collections, I came across an issue I was unable to solve. When loading the data file and applying the AAA method, the java compiler yields the error "BBB".

I tried doing CCC and DDD, always with the same outcome. I searched on Google and Stack Overflow but couldn't find an appropriate solution.

I would appreciate if we could schedule a meeting during office hours to discuss the issue.

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,
John Doe

And here is a BAD example.

Subject: collections

hi, i can't use arraylist correctly.