1. Introduction
Programming Project 2022/23

1.6. Tools

To work on your exercises and your project, you need the following software.


We use Java 17 in this course, the latest long-term support release of the language.


If you don't have it installed yet, now is the time!

IDE: Integrated development environment


We do NOT force you to use a particular IDE in this course.

Instead, I would like you to

  1. try out different IDEs,
  2. choose your favorite one, and
  3. tell me why! I'll ask some of you about it in our next class.

Here are some popular options.

  1. IntelliJ IDEA
  2. Visual Studio Code
  3. Eclipse
  4. NetBeans

You can find many reviews and comparisons online.

  1. Choosing your Java IDE: Compare Eclipse, NetBeans, and IntelliJ IDEA for features, usability, and project size and type
    By Martin Heller at InfoWorld
  2. Visual Studio Code vs IntelliJ IDEA – Which is best for Java devs?
    By Illana Brudo at Java Code Geeks
  3. Java IDE Options For Beginner And Pro Java Programmers
    By Adam Mudianto at Techgalery.com

You are free to choose the IDE you enjoy coding on the most!

We use Maven to install dependencies, build, package, and run your assignments and projects, so there is no need to worry about your IDE choice.


In this course, we use Git, a free and open source distributed version control system.
