13. Testing
Programming Project 2021/22

13.3. Basics of JUnit 5

Test classes and test methods

A test class exhibits the following characteristics.

  • It has at least one test method.
  • It has a visibility equal to public or protected.
  • It has a no-arg constructor.

    (Otherwise, we need to use JUnit 5's ParameterResolver API.)

A test method exhibits the following characteristics.

  • It is annotated with the org.junit.jupiter.api.Test annotation.
  • It has a visibility equal to public or protected.
  • It returns void.
  • If it has parameters, we need to use JUnit 5's ParameterResolver API.

Where should I put my test classes?

Typically, unit tests are created in a separate project or separate source folder to keep the test code separated from the real code.

The standard convention from the Maven and Gradle build tools is to use:

src/main/java - for Java classes
src/test/java - for test classes

Naming test classes

We can name our test classes however we want. However, you will often see, programmers using certain suffixes.

  • Test => CaculatorTest
  • Spec => CaculatorSpec
  • Specification => CaculatorSpecification

The Spec naming convention is popularized by behavior-driven development (BDD) practice.

Your goal should be to pick one naming convention and stick with it in your project.

The names of a test class is the name of the production class followed by the suffix "Test".

  • Production class: Calculator
  • Test class: CalculatorTest

Customizing display names

JUnit 5 allows you to define custom display names for your test classes.

You can use the org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName annotation to provide a name that can contain spaces, special characters, and even emojis.

import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;

@DisplayName("Calculator specification")
public class NamedCalculatorTest {
  @DisplayName("1 + 1 should equal 2")
  void sum() {
      int result = Calculator.sum(1, 1);
      assertEquals(2, result);
  @DisplayName("(-1) + (-1) should equal -2")
  void sumNegative() {
      int result = Calculator.sum(-1, -1);
      assertEquals(-2, result);
  @DisplayName("1 * 1 should equal 1")
  void multiply() {
      int result = Calculator.multiply(1, 1);
      assertEquals(1, result);

To make Maven display @DisplayName, follow these instructions.

    <statelessTestsetReporter implementation="org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.extensions.junit5.JUnit5Xml30StatelessReporter">
    <consoleOutputReporter implementation="org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.extensions.junit5.JUnit5ConsoleOutputReporter">
    <statelessTestsetInfoReporter implementation="org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.extensions.junit5.JUnit5StatelessTestsetInfoReporter">


Assertions in JUnit 5 are static methods that we call in our test methods to verify expected behavior.

Each assertion tests whether the given condition is true or not.

If an asserted condition does not evaluate to true then a test failure is reported.

All assertions are defined as part of org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions class:

  • assertTrue(): assert that the parameter condition is true
  • assertFalse(): assert that the parameter condition is false
  • assertNull(): assert that the parameter object is null
  • assertNotNull(): assert that the parameter object is not null
  • assertEquals(): assert that the parameters expected and actual are equal
  • assertNotEquals(): assert that the parameters expected and actual are not equal
  • assertArrayEquals(): assert that the parameters expected and actual arrays are equals
  • assertSame(): assert that the parameters expected and actual refer to the same object
  • assertNotSame(): assert that the parameters expected and actual do not refer to the same object

Here is an example of how to use assertEquals().

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;

public class CalculatorTestAssertions {
   void sum() {
      assertEquals(2, Calculator.sum(1, 1));

   void sumNegative() {
      assertEquals(-2, Calculator.sum(-1, -1));

   void multiply() {
      assertEquals(1, Calculator.multiply(1, 1));

If we change our previous test method to this:

void sum() {
  assertEquals(1, Calculator.sum(1, 1));

our test should fail.

Expected :2
Actual   :1

at it.unibz.inf.CalculatorTestAssertions.sum(CalculatorTestAssertions.java:10)
at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(ArrayList.java:1257)
at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(ArrayList.java:1257)
at com.intellij.rt.junit.IdeaTestRunner$Repeater.startRunnerWithArgs(IdeaTestRunner.java:33)
at com.intellij.rt.junit.JUnitStarter.prepareStreamsAndStart(JUnitStarter.java:230)
at com.intellij.rt.junit.JUnitStarter.main(JUnitStarter.java:58)

Error vs Failure

In JUnit, there is a difference between error and failure.

  • A failure occurs when an assertion is not met.
  • An error occurs when your test throws an exception.
class FailureAndErrorTests {
  void stringIsNotEmpty() {
      String str = "";

  void thisMethodThrowsException() {
      String str = null;
[INFO] Results:
[ERROR] Failures: 
[ERROR]   FailureAndErrorTests.stringIsNotEmpty:13 expected: <false> but was: <true>
[ERROR] Errors: 
[ERROR]   FailureAndErrorTests.thisMethodThrowsException:19 NullPointer
[ERROR] Tests run: 2, Failures: 1, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0

Disabling tests

Sometimes, you may want to disable a given test method, that, is

class FailureAndErrorTests {
  void stringIsNotEmpty() {
      String str = "";

  void thisMethodThrowsException() {
      String str = null;

  void ignoredMethod() {
      System.out.println("This method will not be executed.");
[INFO] Results:
[ERROR] Failures: 
[ERROR]   FailureAndErrorTests.stringIsNotEmpty:13 expected: <false> but was: <true>
[ERROR] Errors: 
[ERROR]   FailureAndErrorTests.thisMethodThrowsException:19 NullPointer
[ERROR] Tests run: 2, Failures: 1, Errors: 1, Skipped: 1


  1. Using the class Person below, write the equals method so that two persons with the same name and age are the same.
  2. Write a test class that tests if your method is working as expected.
  3. Write test cases whereby your equals method fails.
public class Person {
   String name;
   int age;

   public Person(String name, int age) {
      this.name = name;
      this.age = age;

   public boolean equals(Object o) {

Assertion method variations

Each assertXXX method provided by JUnit has at least three overloaded methods.

void nullAssertionTest() {
    String str = null;
    assertNull(str, "str should be null");
    assertNull(str, () -> "str should be null");
  1. assertNull(str) checks if the input value (i.e., str) is null.
  2. assertNull(str, "str should be null") checks if the input value is null and allows you to pass in a String message that will be shown if the assertion fails.
  3. assertNull(str, () -> "str should be null") checks if the input value is null and uses a lambda expression that will generate the required message if the assertion fails.

Grouping assertions

JUnit is designed to work best with small test methods:

  • It executes each test method within a separate instance of the test class.
  • It reports failure on each test method.
  • It supports sharing setup code between test methods.

If you want to report multiple failures per test, which is recommended,

instead of doing this:

void testEverythingAtOnce(){
    assertEquals(Calculator.sum(1, 1), 2);
    assertEquals(Calculator.sum(-1, -1), -2);
    assertEquals(Calculator.multiply(1, 1), 1);

do this:

void sum() {
   assertEquals(Calculator.sum(1, 1), 2);

void sumNegative() {
   assertEquals(Calculator.sum(-1, -1), -2);

void multiply() {
   assertEquals(Calculator.multiply(1, 1), 1);

A single assertion per test

JUnit advocates the practice of having a single assertion per test.

By single assertion, it means testing a single behavior.

The code below is not a bad practice, as it is testing the behavior of Person::toString():

void testToString() {
    Person p = new Person("John", 30);
    String str = p.toString();


What if our test fails in the first assertion? We wouldn't know if the rest of the behavior if executing properly...

In such cases, it is useful to use the assertAll method:

  • It contains all related assertions, and
  • runs them as a single assertion to report only the failed ones.
  • Each of the assertions is specified as a lambda expression.
void testToStringAssertAll() {
  Person p = new Person("John", 30);
  String str = p.toString();

  assertAll(() -> assertTrue(str.contains("John")),
            () -> assertTrue(str.contains("30")) );
[INFO] Results:
[ERROR] Failures: 
[ERROR]   PersonTest.testToStringAssertAll:61 Multiple Failures (2 failures)
        org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: toString() includes person's name ==> expected: <true> but was: <false>
        org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: toString() includes person's age ==> expected: <true> but was: <false>
[ERROR] Tests run: 1, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0