13. Testing
Programming Project 2021/22

13.4. JUnit Lifecycle API

Lifecycle Phases

A typical JUnit test class has multiple test cases, each of which is governed by a test lifecycle.

A cycle consists of the following three phases.

  1. Setup phase: the test infrastructure is put in place.
    • One part is executed once before all tests within the class are executed.
    • Another part is executed before each test method is executed.
  2. Execution phase: test methods are executed and their assertions are verified.
    • The execution result will signify a success or failure.
  3. Cleanup phase: any cleanup required after test execution is performed.


The org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll annotation is responsible for performing a single time initialization for all test cases in a class.

The annotated method must be static and non-private.

This hook is often used to create costly objects like database connection, which can be reused for all the test cases.

The work done in a @BeforeAll can be moved to @BeforeEach, but since it is usually a computationally expensive operation, the overall test execution can take much longer.

The annotation also has an inheritance behavior. If there are superclass methods marked with @BeforeAll they will be executed before any such methods of the test class.

Here is an example on how to use @BeforeAll.

public class CalculatorBeforeAll {
   private static int inputValue;

   static void beforeAll() {
      System.out.println("I have been executed once before all methods");
      inputValue = 10;

   void positiveMultiplication() {
      System.out.println("Value available in positiveMultiplication(): " + inputValue);
      int value = Calculator.multiply(inputValue, 20);
      assertTrue(value > 0);

   void negativeMultiplication() {
      System.out.println("Value available in negativeMultiplication(): " + inputValue);
      int value = Calculator.multiply(-inputValue, -4);
      assertTrue(value > 0);


The org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach annotation is responsible for performing any initialization before executing a single test.

The objects will be created for each test, thus avoiding any side effects from other test executions.

A test case can have any number of methods marked with @BeforeEach but the execution order is not guaranteed. The JUnit engine can run them in any order.

These methods are executed before each and every test; so always make sure they contain initialization code that makes sense for all test cases.

Here is an example on how to use @BeforeEach.

class CalculatorBeforeEach {
   private int inputValue;

   void setUp() {
      System.out.println("I execute before each test method");
      inputValue = 10;

   void positiveMultiplication() {
      System.out.println("Value available in positiveMultiplication(): " + inputValue);
      int value = Calculator.multiply(inputValue, 20);
      assertTrue(value > 0);

      inputValue = 500;

   void negativeMultiplication() {
      System.out.println("Value available in negativeMultiplication(): " + inputValue);
      int value = Calculator.multiply(-inputValue, -4);
      assertTrue(value > 0);

      inputValue = 500;

Avoid dependent tests

It is a good idea to keep tests independent.

  • Dependent tests make a test suite harder to read and understand.
  • In the event of a failure, dependent tests are harder to debug.

Imagine the following case:

  • testA depends on testB, which depends on testC.
  • if testA fails we need to expend effort to determine if all of the previous test cases executed fine and properly initialized the test setup.

This is an unwanted "test smell".


The org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach annotation is the counterpart of the org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach annotation.

It is used to implement the “what goes up must come down” principle.

A method marked with @AfterEach is responsible for post-test execution cleanup.

public class CalculatorAfterEach {
   void tearDown() {
      System.out.println("I execute after each test method");

   void positiveMultiplication() {
      System.out.println("I execute test positiveMultiplication()");
      assertTrue(Calculator.multiply(10, 20) > 0);

   void negativeMultiplication() {
      System.out.println("I execute test negativeMultiplication()");
      assertTrue(Calculator.multiply(-5, -4) > 0);


The org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterAll annotation is the counterpart of the org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll annotation.

@AfterAll performs a single time method invocation i.e., after the execution of all test cases of a test class.

The method must be static and non-private.

The annotation also has an inheritance behavior. If there are superclass methods marked with @AfterAll they will be executed after any such methods of the test class.

public class CalculatorAfterAll {
   static void afterAll(){
      System.out.println("I execute once after all test methods");

   void positiveMultiplication() {
      System.out.println("I execute test positiveMultiplication()");
      assertTrue(Calculator.multiply(10, 20) > 0);

   void negativeMultiplication() {
      System.out.println("I execute test negativeMultiplication()");
      assertTrue(Calculator.multiply(-5, -4) > 0);

Complete example

Here is an example using all lifecycle hooks.

public class CalculatorLifeCycle {
   static void beforeAll(){
      System.out.println("I execute once before all test methods");

   void setUp() {
      System.out.println("I execute before each test method");

   void tearDown() {
      System.out.println("I execute after each test method");

   static void afterAll(){
      System.out.println("I execute once after all test methods");

   void positiveMultiplication() {
      System.out.println("I execute test positiveMultiplication()");
      assertTrue(Calculator.multiply(10, 20) > 0);

   void negativeMultiplication() {
      System.out.println("I execute test negativeMultiplication()");
      assertTrue(Calculator.multiply(-5, -4) > 0);


You are tasked to write tests for the ArrayList class.

  1. Create a test class called ArrayListAddRemoveTest and use a @BeforeEach annotation to create an empty list to test the behavior of the methods add() and remove().
  2. Create a test class called ArrayListSizeGetTest and use a @BeforeAll annotation to set up a list which you will then use to verify the expected behavior of size() and get().