1. Introduction
Programming Project 2022/23
1.1. Course Structure
This course consists of series of lectures and labs, combined with a couple of invited talks.
Lectures have a more theoretical focus. In them, you will learn different
programming concepts and techniques.
Here is some info about our lectures.
- We have 30 lectures of 2 hours each.
- All students attend the same lectures.
- We usually have 3 lectures per week:
- Tuesday, 8:00 - 10:00
- Thursday, 14:00 - 16:00
- Friday, 8:00 - 10:00
Labs are oriented towards practice. You will have the opportunity to work on
programming challenges and discuss their solutions.
Here is some info about labs:
- We have 15 labs of 2 hours each.
- Students are split in 2 groups, A and B.
- In some weeks, we have two labs.
- Tuesday, 14:00 - 16:00
- Friday, 10:00 - 12:00 (some weeks)
There might be a variation in the timetable for some weeks,
so please check our timetable.
In our invited talks, we will receive developers with good industry experience to
talk about special topics.
- What are the career opportunities in Computer Science?
- What is the daily life of a software developer like?
- What will you be expected to know when joining the workforce?
- What is the role of internship in your education?