A lambda expression is used with a functional interface, i.e. an interface with one abstract
Functional interfaces may have default
and static
Some examples of functional interfaces are:
, which only has the method accept()
, which only has the method run()
, which only has the method compareTo()
, which only has the method close()
.The Helloable
interface we saw in the beginning of this module is a functional interface.
public interface Helloable {
abstract void sayHello(Character character);
And so is:
public interface Runnable {
public abstract void run();
public interface Consumer<T> {
void accept(T t);
default Consumer<T> andThen(Consumer<? super T> after) {
return (T t) -> { accept(t); after.accept(t); };
The interface for which a lambda expression is invoked is called its target type.
Helloable custom =
c -> System.out.println("Hello " + c.firstName.charAt(0) + ". " + c.lastName);
c -> System.out.println("Hello " + c.firstName.charAt(0) + ". " + c.lastName));
The target type of a lambda expression must
You can use lambda expressions in